Entrepreneur Brad McDonald is using his fledgling sauna business to help vulnerable Tasmanians through the Loaves and Fishes and Devonport Chaplaincy Solstice Splashes.
Brad, who is setting up permanent saunas for hire around the state and who has his first two opening soon at the Devonport Bluff and Penguin foreshore, is taking part in both solstice splashes in June.
“I was planning to organise my own solstice splash just for something to do, to get everyone together for the experience and to continue to build on our sauna and contrast therapy community, but then I read about the Loaves and Fishes and Chaplaincy swims and thought I would get behind them, then help raise some money and awareness at the same time” he said.
“Part of my business vision is to support local charities from day one of Savu Saunas, with a portion of my profits going directly to charities or local organisations within the areas our saunas are located.
“These are worthy charities that do a lot to help the local community.
“I will be promoting the swim on social media and through various fundraising initiatives.”
The former local sporting identity and electrician returned 15 months ago to the coast after spending 10 years in Western Australia where he established several businesses.
He returned to the coast to be closer to family, and discovered Loaves and Fishes and Devonport Chaplaincy.
Brad said he had long been a fan of saunas and cold water therapy undertaking many cold ocean swims for recovery as a younger athlete.
His luxurious electric saunas are built inside shipping containers and comfortably seat 10 people.
You can sponsor Brad through the Savu Saunas entry on the Chaplaincy and Loaves and Fishes websites.
The chaplaincy Solstice Splash is at the Mersey Bluff on Saturday, June 22, while the Loaves and Fishes swim is on Sunday, June 23, at Penguin. Both swims start at 8am.
Funds raised will be used to provide emergency food relief, student and learner-driver mentoring, school breakfast supplies, school chaplains and mental health first aid training.
Find out more at the Devonport Chaplaincy and Loaves and Fishes Tasmania websites.
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