Published On: 19 November 2020Categories: Stories

Loaves and Fishes Tasmania CEO, Andrew Hillier, has thanked Premier Peter Gutwein in front of the MP’s peers, community, business and church leaders, for his courageous leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Andrew, (pictured right leaning against the crate) who is also CEO of Devonport Chaplaincy, was speaking at last week’s annual parliamentary prayer breakfast in Hobart.

Andrew also paid tribute to the staff and volunteers who delivered food and hope in record amounts during the crisis. Demand for emergency food supplies increased 70% during the height of the health crisis.

He shared how it was only his personal faith which had enabled him to lead in such a challenging time.

“As a committed Christian, I believe that in the toughest of circumstances and decisions, it is impossible to do anything on your own,” Andrew said.

“It is in this situation that I acknowledge that the only way in which I have been able to lead Loaves and Fishes Tasmania in this tough season is through the Holy Spirit and the power of God working through me.”

‘I believe in miracles,’ Premier

Premier Gutwein told the breakfast he was not a regular churchgoer but had asked the churches to pray and that he “believed in miracles” as the State was largely spared from the worst of Australian COVID-19 outbreaks.

Andrew Hillier shared how he was heartened by random conversations during the pandemic, such as with a large fresh food provider and a leader from an agency distributing food to the vulnerable, both of whom had expressed their thanks for being able to partner with Loaves and Fishes Tasmania during the crisis.

He said it was humbling to be the link between a supplier and an agent who were unlikely to ever meet.

By Paul O’Rourke

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