
Every donation, small or big, helps feed a Tasmanian doing it tough today.

Donations above $2 are tax deductible and received with thanks.

It costs a lot to deliver $3 million worth of donated food. Wages, power, rent, vehicles, packaging, fuel and more.

Help us deliver food and hope to Tasmanians doing it tough by partnering with us.

Donate Food

Loaves and Fishes Tasmania wouldn’t exist without the generous support of commercial and community food donors, from mega farms, like those run by the Ertler brothers from Premium Fresh, to home gardeners.

Each week we collect or receive at our Devonport and Hobart warehouses about 25,000kg of produce conservatively worth $75,000. The more we get, the more we can give.

To discuss your corporate food donation, email Aaron Kropf at


We welcome volunteers to help at our warehouses, kitchen and office.

We need help to collect, sort, package and deliver food, prepare meals and assist with marketing and fundraising.

Attend an Event

Our annual Winter Solstice Splash is one way of raising money for Loaves and Fishes.

Participants are sponsored to take an ocean dip in June at either Greens Beach or Kingston Beach to mark the shortest day of the year.

You can register from April next year for the 2024 splashes. Watch this space!


Raising funds for Loaves and Fishes Tasmania is an effective way of helping people in need and is limited only by your imagination.

Simple fundraising events include:

Organising a breakfast, lunch, dinner, high tea or barbecue and charging guests to attend, with proceeds going to Loaves and Fishes.

Completing a hike, such as the Overland Track, a bike ride or some other endurance event.

Asking friends and family to give a donation to Loaves and Fishes in lieu of birthday or Christmas presents.

Set up your own fundraising profile and ask friends and family to support you.

Grow a Row

Home, church and community gardeners can also donate produce from their gardens.

Why not grow a row for us from this year’s crop?

Deliver weekdays between 8.30am and 1pm to our Hobart warehouse at 12 Mill Lane, Glenorchy, or the Devonport warehouse 136 – 140 Don Road, Devonport.

Some partners such as Montrose Bay High School, Risdon Prison and Don College not only grow food but make meals which they donate back to Loaves and Fishes Tasmania for distribution to those in need.

Buy a box

No garden, no worries.

Buy a box of food and deliver it to us at 12 Mill Lane, Glenorchy, or the Devonport warehouse 136-140 Don Road, Devonport, between 8.30am and 1pm.

Hire us

Let us cater for your next function.

Our cooks, trainees and kitchen volunteers cater for a range of corporate functions, food festivals and community events.

Catering provides important training and provides an income stream to fund our food relief work.

Contact us to find out how we can help make your next event a spectacular success.

Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift in your will after you have taken care of your family is a powerful and permanent investment in other children and families.

Your thoughtful decision today will have far-reaching results tomorrow as we continue to feed our neighbours and help them become more resilient.

Talk to us about leaving a legacy.

Reduce waste

Australians throw away $8 billion worth of edible food (up to 20 per cent of our groceries) every year, often because we buy too much or aren’t sure what to do with leftovers.

That’s like buying five bags of groceries and throwing one in the bin.


Financial and other valued partnerships enable us to continue the work we do.

If you are interested in partnering with us in a unique way, please contact us (03) 6417 3131.