School-based trainee Travis Dennis has found purpose and friendship within the cavernous confines of the Loaves and Fishes warehouse in Devonport.
Travis, 16, from Ulverstone, took on the traineeship in April after an approach through Indie School in Devonport where he studies, and has made an immediate impact.
Loaves and Fishes State Operations Manager, Faye Hodgetts, said Travis was reliable, worked hard and was eager to learn.
“He gets on well with everyone, looks for work, and asked if he could work during the school holidays.”
Travis works two days a week at the warehouse and studies three days at Indie, an independent alternative high school for Years 9-12-age students who struggle in the traditional school system.
The quietly-spoken teenager said he switched last year to Indie from Sheffield High School where he was struggling to keep up with the schoolwork due to a learning disability.
Falling behind, Travis would regularly miss school, staying at home where he played video games.
“The job has given me so many opportunities to learn and grow,” Travis said.
“I look forward to coming to work.
“We work hard but there is also time for fun.”
The fifth of six children, Travis admits it’s satisfying to join his siblings and dad in the workforce and to have his own money.
“I’m saving for a car,” he said.
Travis said he enjoyed the variety of work, from sorting, stacking and delivering food, to making hampers, food consignments for partners, cleaning, collecting food from suppliers and interacting with food agencies.
Travis is one of several trainees employed in the Loaves and Fishes warehouse and kitchens.
Part of the Loaves and Fishes mandate is to provide employment opportunities for those who may struggle to get work elsewhere, particularly youth.
Trainees are assigned a workplace mentor to help them navigate employment and life.
The organisation also provides volunteer opportunities for those on community corrections order, or requiring volunteer hours to collect Centrelink benefits.
By Paul O’Rourke
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