They came as churches in matching green beanies, as families, service club partners in silly colored wigs, radio announcers in gaudy ’80s jumpsuits, bleary-eyed chefs, politicians and wary, wide-eyed individuals.
About 100 splashers plunged into the surf at Greens Beach and Kingston Beach to identify with those who do not choose to be cold. Most splashers would rather have been sitting in a cosy cafe overlooking the beach, but shook off the fear to do something slightly brave, for others.
There was a real sense of unity and excitement as the splashers, all finally in up to their necks in seawater after staggered starts, bobbed up and down, the shrieks and gasps gradually giving way to a comfortable numbness.
The towel holders in Tasmanian tuxedos stood on the shoreline, pointing phones and shouting encouragement.
The splashers emerged as contented conquerors before dressing and gathering in shivering huddles to tuck into a bacon and egg roll and contratulate each other on their achievemets.
Record amount raised
At the time of writing, almost $70,000 has been raised from the two swims and related winter appeal donations. That’s equivalent to 140,000 hot meals for Tasmanians doing it tough.
Some raised an extraordinary amount of money; everyone contributed.
The events also raised vital funds for Kingston Beach and Launceston Surf Lifesaving Clubs, who helped supply breakfast, water safety and first aid.
There are still a few more days to make a tax deductible donation to our Winter Meals Appeal, and 12 months to recover and encourage more caring and slighty adventurous Tasmanians to mark the winter solstice with a refreshing dip.
Special thanks to our sponsors, Wrest Point Hobart, Grain of the Silos and Peppers Silo Hotel.
By Paul O’Rourke

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